The AARTFAAC All Sky Monitor: System Design and Implementation
Peeyush Prasad, Folkert Huizinga, Eric Kooistra, Daniel van der Schuur, Andre Gunst, John Romein, Mark Kuiack, Gijs Molenaar, Antonia Rowlinson, John D. Swinbank, Ralph A.M.J Wijers
arXiv:1609.04205 [astro-ph.IM]
AARTFAAC: Towards a 24x7, All-sky Monitor for LOFAR
Prasad, P. and Wijnholds, S.J.
Proceedings of "New Windows on Transients scross the Universe": A discussion meeting of the Royal Society, London, April 2012.
Trawling Transients with LOFAR
Wijers, R.A.M.J.
Proceedings of the 217th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Seattle, WA, January 2011.